Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Simple Ways To Be Positive

I guarantee you that those people who seem constantly happy-go-lucky also have their down-and-out moments as well; being positive is something we can choose and work to maintain. There is no quick fix for being positive, it is all about taking things one at a time and slowly working at changing your attitude when stressful or negative things creep up in life. I have compiled a brief list of things that one can do to try to cultivate a more positive outlook.

  • Do the little things that make you happy.
    • Don't have time? Well then make time. Try to incorporate more little things into your daily life that make you happy. The little things really do make the world of difference.
  • Make time to breathe deeply and reflect. 
    • Think about the things in your life that you're thankful for or feel lucky to have/experience. A good time for this is either first thing in the morning or in the evening before bed; a time when you know you'll have a little bit of time to yourself.
    • Don't compare yourself to others.
      • If you already find yourself doing this, stop it! Your life is just that, yours. We all go about living at our own pace and in our style. What works for some doesn't always work for others. Not to mention, your life is being lived in the way you are choosing to do so, if you are unsatisfied then take steps to alter your life so that you will be satisfied.
    • Believe in yourself.
      • If you don't already believe in yourself then start working on it. Having confidence in yourself and your capabilities is part of being positive. 
    • Above all, choose to not to partake in negativity.
      • Partaking in negativity only perpetuates negativity. This pertains to gossip, harboring negative feelings and other things of the like. Just let it go and try to focus on positive topics.
    (photo from

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