Monday, June 24, 2013

How to Start a Healthy Habit.

Creating positive lifestyle changes, for me, comes down to motivation and planning. When I am highly motivated to create a healthy habit it is easier for me to accomplish, thoughtfully plan it out and stick with it.  I have been rewiring my lifestyle slowly for years to eat more healthful foods, plan/prepare more healthful meals and be more active more often. I have found that motivation comes easiest when I think about the short and long term benefits of my lifestyle changes. Reminding myself that these lifestyle changes are for my personal benefit resonates and motivates me the most.
I also know that my head needs to be in the right frame of thought. For example, we all know there are a lot of things we should be doing differently because it is more healthful. However, the task of creating a healthy habit from this view point seems daunting and time consuming. Excuses seem to develop more easily from the perspective of 'I know I should' because it is easy to add 'but' to the end of that thought and derail yourself. I have found that adjusting my view points from 'I know I should' to 'I need to' makes it easier to follow through with the little steps it takes to develop a healthy habit. Not to mention, I am likely to add a good motivating reason after the thought 'I need to'. Developing lifestyle habits for positive reasons and making sure your head is in the right place is a wonderful place to begin a healthy habit. After that you'll want to set yourself in motion towards your healthy habit. Below are some things I have found that have helped me develop and stick to healthy lifestyle habits.

  • Think about it, write it down:
    •  I have found it easier to develop healthy habits if you envision and acknowledge the personal benefits. For example, "Exercising will make me feel good and keep my mind and body healthy as I get older". Writing down these things seems to, at least for me, cement positive reinforcement in my mind long before I try to think up excuses down the road.  
    • Write down the reasons for beginning the path to your chosen healthy habit. Also write down the short and long term benefits. If you need help with the benefits then head to the internet, do some good old fashioned research. That being said, always keep in mind that if they are trying to sell you something chances are they don't have your best interest in mind, they have their company's best interest in mind. Try to be a critical thinker and take information with a grain of salt when on the internet.
  • Start small:
    • If you have a big habit goal start small. I have found that beginning with too large of goals right off the bat usually derails pretty quickly. Be realistic. If you want to run a marathon, but have never been much of a runner then give yourself time. Plan ahead and take little steps. Do research on the internet. Chances are there are many people out there who are in the same boat as you and can offer great advice from their own experience. I'll give you a personal example too. I wanted to start eating in a more healthful and balanced way so I started a few years ago with making sure I always made my lunch for days I knew I would be away from home. Slowly I added in dining out less, then planning out more healthful dinner when at home, etc. The whole time I was also searching the internet, always looking for better methods, idea, and tips from others who had done the same thing. When you are foraging a habit chances are it may be in unknown territory that requires some research and baby steps to make you comfortable with it. Being comfortable will help you stick to your goals. So take it slow. 
  • Stay positive:
    • Always stay positive. Healthful habits are not built upon negativity. We are our own worst critics; don't let yourself get in the way of doing good things for yourself. If you are having a hard time getting out of a negative rut then go do things that you know make you happy. Go pet a cute fuzzy animal, look up funny animal videos online, or watch a funny show or movie; you know what gets you out of being in a negative mood, go do it. Once you're done being a Negative Nancy then return to whatever it was you were doing. We all have those moments, try to be keenly aware of the negative moments and make note of things that help you get out of them quickly.
    • Above all, do not compare yourself to others. Everyone has to start somewhere. Comparing yourself to someone who has more experience than you is not fair.
  • Keep at it:
    • Many people claim habits take X amount of time to develop and X amount of time to slip out of. I have found that habits always need to be worked at. Healthy habits take the most work and effort in the beginning, but you do need to tend to them and keep yourself at it over time. 
    • Remind yourself often that you are doing it for good reason.

Comments and questions are always welcome!

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